The aim of this module is to prepare you for studying at degree level. You are encouraged to develop a questioning approach, to structure an argument, to write academically, and to avoid plagiarism. You are introduced to the study skills needed for successful learning within a higher education environment. You will be supported to work autonomously as well as together in a community of practice to develop your own knowledge and skills and support the development of their peers

The intended aim of this module is to provide students with an understanding of the variety of client needs within the health and social care sector.

This module will explore and examine a wide range of client groups and investigate the skills required to successfully meet individual needs. The ideologies surrounding effective multi- agency and inter-agency working will be explored, alongside the learning of how we as practitioners can demonstrate a range of personal and communicative skills when working with both service users and other colleagues/agencies

This module aims to provide students with an understanding of the social sciences and their relevance to health and social care. The module will explore key concepts, theories, and methods in sociology, psychology, and anthropology, and how they can be applied to health and social care practice. Students will explore how social factors, such as gender, race, class, and culture, shape health experiences and outcomes.